- Spending the day at school-my teachers said that I didn't sit in the rocking chair and that I played today. I told Dad that I peepeed on the potty at school (Mom isn't so sure though)
- Watching it rain on the skylight with Anderson
- Playing Candyland and Candyland Castle with Mom when Anderson finally took a nap
- Helping Mom "cook" supper-I pushed the microwave buttons
- Playing with Kennedy, Jacob, Camryn and Anderson at Jacob's house while the grownups ate
Pretty in Pink!
Two Peas in a Pod!
- Spending the day at school-I got my first accident report (I fell down the slide and got a little bit of carpet burn on my forehead)
- Coming home and being a very, very fussy boy until my nap at 4:30
- Laying on the floor with Reagan and looking out of the skylight
- Chicken nuggets for supper
- Playing with all of Jacob's toys tonight while the grownups ate supper
Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n Fruity @ IHOP
- Storytime at the library-I said my name outloud when it was my turn to beat on the drum. And we made a monkey!
- Picking Dad up from work and getting some cookies from McDonalds
- Helping Mom clean out the pantry
- Eating a picnic lunch in the living room
- Playing with Nonna until naptime and bathtime
- Pancakes and some strawberries from IHOP for supper
- Running a few errands before bedtime-and I even got to eat a strawberry at home! Dad bought me some tonight at Sams
Somebody Got Mail!
- Storytime at the library-I listened pretty well today but I loved the sticks. I even walked and put them in the bag when Mom told me to
- Picking Dad up from work and getting some cookies at McDonalds
- Taking a morning nap
- Eating a picnic lunch and playing with Nonna
- Another nap and then a bath
- Pancakes from IHOP for supper
- A few errands and then bedtime
Juice Box!
Highlights from today: (click here for today's pictures)
- Playing all day long at school-my teacher said that I was a smart boy
- Not taking a nap this afternoon
- Drinking my juice box all by myself-Mom needed something to calm me down when we came inside because of the wind
- Dressing up like a construction worker this afternoon
- Eating supper at Grannymom's house
- Jumping in the jumper thing and taking the babies shopping in the grocery cart-I kissed Mom everytime that I left
It's Windy Out Here!
Highlights from today: (click here for today's pictures)
- Spending the day at school-my teachers said that I fussed a little bit
- Getting a present when I came home-a clock! I have been waking up too early and Mom and Dad are willing to try anything
- Playing outside for a little bit but it was too windy
- Hanging out with Mom until supper and dressing up like a princess
- Eating supper at Grannymom's house and going with Dad to get a movie (our cable is out-a tree fell on the wire)
- Playing until bedtime
- Spending the morning at the WonderPlace with the church group. I loved it! My favorite places were the sand table, rock wall and slide. I didn't even care when Mom had to chase Anderson and one time I told Mom that I was going to play in the kitchen and I left her!
- Eating lunch at Noah's house-he had train tracks, a big car and really good cookies
- Helping Mom mop at home until naptime
- Playing Candyland until Anderson woke up
- Looking outside for Dad and then pizza for supper
- Coloring in the bathtub until bedtime
Like My Jacket?
- Playing this morning at the WonderPlace with the church group. I kept Mom on her toes since I would run off! My favorite thing to do was climb the steps and the water table
- Lunch at Noah's house-he had cookies! Mmmm!
- Playing at home for a few minutes before nap. When Mom gave me my paci-I instantly fell asleep.
- Watching the cars go and finally spotting Dad's car
- Supper with the family and then a bath
- Chasing Dad until bedtime
This is a Yummy Hat!
- Napping during Sunday School today
- Eating lunch at Nonna and Pops and then playing with the toys
- An afternoon nap (not long enought for Dad) and then almost going back to sleep in Mom and Dad's bed
- Playing with all of my toys until supper time
- Hanging out at church tonight
- Another supper at El Chico-I was a very good boy even though it was way past my bedtime! (Dad might have given me a little bit of Coke!)
Chip Bowl Head!
- Listening to Mr. Ryan play the guitar in Sunday School
- Lunch at Nonna and Pops and playing with the toys
- An afternoon nap (not long enough for Mom)
- Talking about the painter man Tom during supper
- Playing with my friends at church tonight
- Supper with Aunt Steph at El Chico-I used the chip bowl as a hat!
Chef Reagan!
- Waking up way too early this morning-pottying twice and watching a movie before 7
- Running lots of errands, visiting Grannymom and Grandpa, eating at Famous Daves and then more errands
- Taking a short nap then playing dominoes with Mom and Anderson
- Playing another game before chicken enchiladas for supper
- Bath so I'll be clean for church tomorrow and then bedtime
I Love Beans!
- Watching a movie in Mom and Dad's bed this morning
- Running a few errands, stopping by to see Grandpa and Grannymom, eating at Famous Daves and then a few more errands
- Taking a very long afternoon nap
- Dancing while watching another movie this afternoon
- Eating chicken enchiladas for supper
- A bath, playing and then going to bed
Ride a Little Pony!
- Seeing my ice early this morning-mine was frozen so I ate it!
- Waiting on Nonna this morning, we played dress up while Mom cleaned her closet
- Eating lunch with Nonna and Jason while watching it rain/sleet
- An afternoon nap-Anderson woke me up
- Eating supper at McDonalds, walking around Walmart and riding my horse (click here for a quick video)
- Drinking my milk in bed with Anderson
Giddy Up!
- Waking up early and checking on our ice-my bowl didn't make any water so I just ate the bowl!
- Playing with Nonna and watching it sleet/rain while Mom cleaned her closet
- A morning nap and then eating lunch with Jason and Nonna
- Waking up first from my afternoon nap
- Eating supper at McDonalds, walking through Walmart and then riding a horse all the way home! (click here for a quick video)
- Drinking my milk in bed with Reagan
Who put me in this bucket?
- Breakfast and then checking out my 1st science experiment (click here for a quick video)
- Playing in my house at school
- Mom picking me up from school, playing and Mom trying to get me to take a nap
- Going to Nonna & Pops and seeing Beebee and Pawpaw. I stayed with Nonna & Pops while Mom went to Bunko
- Dad coming to pick us up and then going to bed. I was asleep when he got there but wide awake when we got home.
Hanging with Nonna & Pops!
- Breakfast and then checking out my 1st science experiment (click here for a quick video)
- Rocking in my rocking chair at school - it's reserved for me!
- Mom picking me up from school, playing and Mom trying to get me to take a nap
- Going to Nonna & Pops and seeing Beebee and Pawpaw. I stayed with Nonna & Pops while Mom went to Bunko
- Dad coming to pick us up and then going to bed
Arrrgh! I am a Pirate!
- Storytime at the library this morning-I had a hard to listening today
- Getting cookies with Dad
- Shopping at Target until I stopped listening to Mom and said "I am going to run away" as I walked to another aisle. Then we had to leave and didn't get to look at the toys-I was sad
- Helping Mom make rice for lunch-I had three helpings of it
- An afternoon nap and then sleeping a few more minutes with Mom
- Playing Memory with Mom until Anderson woke up
- My first science experiment-we put some water outside so we could see it freeze (it was still water when I went to bed)
- Supper with Dad and then playing until bedtime
Ahoy Matey!
- An early morning trip to the library-I didn't pay very good attention today
- Shopping at Target until Reagan disobeyed (we didn't even get to look at the toys)
- Watching Mom and Reagan cook our rice for lunch-I didn't like it at all!
- Waking up from my nap early but Mom got me back to sleep for a little bit longer
- Playing until supper time with Dad
- Hanging out at home all evening long with Mom and Dad
Making a Mess & Loving It!
- Going to school
- Mom picking me up from school and then going to visit Grandpa in the hospital (he had his knee replaced on Monday)
- No nap for me this afternoon
- Eating supper
- Eating 3 popcicles
- Playing with shaving cream with Reagan & Dad (click here for a quick video) while Mom went to Bunko - I LOVED IT!
- Taking a bath and then reading a book with Dad before bedtime
Helping Mom Clean....Making a Mess with Dad!
- Going to school - I didn't even notice Mom left this morning
- Mom picking me up from school and then going to visit Grandpa in the hospital (he had his knee replaced on Monday)
- No nap for me this afternoon...so I helped Mom with a little cleaning
- Eating supper
- Meeting Dad at the door home from work
- Eating 3 popcicles
- Playing with shaving cream with Anderson & Dad (click here for a quick video) while Mom went to Bunko
- Taking a bath....but Dad didn't make me wash my hair tonight
- Putting Anderson to bed...and then getting some lemonade before bedtime!
My Second Movie!
- Playing around the house this morning-I was a little fussy and clingy
- Letting Anderson try to push me around in his seat
- Taking an early morning nap
- Eating a PB&J sandwich
- Going to the Veggie Tale movie with the church group-we had a big time-between Anderson and me we had: milk, juice, a juice box, cheerios, a sleeve of graham crackers and 2 packages of crackers-but we made it through the movie
- Playing with Mom until supper and bath
- Watching a movie with Dad and dancing through the whole thing until bedtime
My First Movie
- Spending the morning around the house
- Helping Mom clean my old booster seat-I have a new chair!-thanks to craigslist.com
- A long morning nap and then a sandwich for supper-I threw most of it on the floor
- Going to my first movie-Veggie Tales-with the group from church. Mom took our booster seat and buckled me in. And we made it through the whole movie!
- Coming home to eat supper and take a bath
- Playing with Dad until bedtime
Did you Call a Fireman?
- Putting band-aids on my picture today in Sunday School
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house
- A short afternoon nap and playing with Mom all afternoon-telling Mom, "I made spaghetti for my church meeting"
- Macaroni and hamburger for supper
- Playing at church tonight
- Getting very confused when we got out of the car at Quizno's and then had to get back in the car and go to Firehouse (Quizno's was closed)
- Coming home and talking until I fell asleep
Where's the Fire?
- Sunday school early this morning-I was a good boy!
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house
- Taking a very, very long afternoon nap with Dad
- Macaroni and hamburger for supper
- Fussing tonight during church and then whole way out to eat
- My excema is bad tonight so Dad lotioned me up really well
I am Going to be a Big Sister...Again!!
- Waking up early this morning and putting on my new t-shirt
- Telling Grannymom, Grandpa, Nonna and Pops that Mom has a baby in her tummy
- Staying at Nonna's for a little bit while Mom went to a shower-we ate the whole time-doughnuts, ice cream, juice, bananas
- Lunch and then playing with Grannymom while Grandpa helped Mom finish up the bathroom
- An afternoon nap and then a bath in my newly painted bathroom
- Supper at McDonalds and then shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond until bedtime
- Click here for the new baby's blog
I'm Going to be a Big Brother!
- Waking up early and getting my new t-shirt on
- Telling Grannymom, Grandpa, Nonna and Pops that I am going to be a big brother!
- Playing at Nonna's for a little bit while Mom went to a baby shower-we ate the whole time-doughnuts, ice cream, juice, bananas!
- Lunch and then playing with Grannymom while Grandpa helped Mom finish the bathroom
- A very short afternoon nap and then a bath
- Eating supper at McDonalds and then shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond until bedtime
- Click here to see the new baby's blog
Sharing the News with Family & Friends!
Sharing the News with Family & Friends!
Strutting with my elephant!
- Playing with Mom this morning
- Climbing up and down Grannymom's ladder and then getting mad when Mom made me take a nap-I did sleep for 2 hours though
- A big lunch and a popsicle
- Trying to help Mom and Grannymom paint-but Mom put the gate up and wouldn't let me out of my room
- Walking around the block with Grannymom and Reagan
- A short afternoon nap and then a quick bite to eat
- Knocking Reagan's lemonade off of the table onto my head-I was very surprised and not very happy! Mom laughed and then cleaned up the big mess
- Supper at Colton's-I love to eat the rolls and Mom's lemon
Yummy Lemonade!
- Playing this morning with Mom this morning
- Watching Mom and Grannymom paint-I couldn't understand why I couldn't paint. Mom wanted me to color, use my markers or play with my playdough-but I liked to supervise
- Eating lunch with Grannymom and Mom
- Walking around the block with Grannymom and Anderson-I wanted to hold Anderson's hand but he didn't want to hold my hand today
- An afternoon nap and a bit to eat at home
- Then supper at Colton's-I ate lots and lots of peanuts
Reagan & Anderson Try On Their New T-shirts!
Reagan & Anderson Try On Their New T-shirts!
Teaching Anderson how to play the Piano!
- Another good day at school-carrots, Rosie and playing-who could ask for more?
- Daddy picking me up from school
- Talking all through my nap this afternoon
- Playing until supper time
- Spending the evening at Nonna and Pops while Mom and Dad were at the Ten Tenors
- Teaching Nonna and Pops how to play my Candyland Castle game-I won!
- Cuddling with Nonna and Pops until Mom and Dad picked me up
Who's Squeezing my Cheeks?
- Playing all day long at school today-I like my new class and love all of the toys in my new room
- Daddy picking me up from school
- Not taking a nap all afternoon-I didn't want to miss a thing
- Eating hot dog, cheese and brownies for supper
- Playing at Nonna and Pops while Mom and Dad went to see the Ten Tenors
- Falling asleep with Pops
It's Official!
It's Official!
Just Sipping My Drink!
- Storytime at the library and we played with the parachute and bubbles
- Talking to a construction worker as we walked to the car
- Picking up Dad and running to get some cookies
- Shopping for paint brushes at Walmart
- Helping Mom make our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- An afternoon nap and then playing with Grannymom
- Going to time-out 4 times today-I would fuss, stomp my feet and scream-and Mom would pick me up and take me to time out!
- Watching my movie and then eating a little bit of supper and 3 popsicles
- Playing with Dad for a little bit before bed (he had to work late)
I Kind Like this Library thing!
- I have a runny nose today and have been a little bit fussy
- Storytime at the library-I sat still for 20 minutes (Mom could not believe it)
- Playing with the parachute at the library-I sat on it but wouldn't go under it with the other kids
- Picking Dad up to get some cookies
- A quick trip to Walmart and then a sandwich for lunch (I ate the whole thing)
- A long afternoon nap and then playing with Grannymom for a little bit
- Watching Reagan's movie and then eating supper-actually, once Reagan said "popsicle" I stopped eating and would only point and grunt at the refrigerator
- Eating 4 popsicles-Popsicles make me happy and when I am happy Mom is happy
- Playing with Dad for a few minutes before bedtime (he had to work late tonight)
28 Month Pictures
- Coloring a snowman at school today and having fish and juice for a snack
- Eating my leftover candy (from Mr. "Petey"-Speedy) that I found in my bag
- Playing farm with Mom
- Helping empty out the bathroom cabinets
- Watching my movie two times and eating a big snack
- Supper at home and then supper at Taco Bell-I had a "popsicle" (burrito)
- Walking around Sam's
- Taking my 28 month pictures and video before bed
13 Month Pictures!
- Walking into school with my backpack on and running over to the playhouse that Reagan used to love
- Having a great day at school-I love my new class
- Playing farm with Reagan and Mom
- A short nap-until Reagan woke me up
- Eating a snack and getting my fingernails clipped
- Another nap-Mom put me back to bed because I was fussy
- Supper at home and then another supper at Taco Bell
- Walking around Sams
- Taking my 13 month pictures and video before bed
Eating with a Spoon is Messy!
- Playing outside this morning-I like to pet the dogs
- Taking a morning bath and then a nap
- Eating lunch at On the Border with Mom, Dad, Reagan, Grannymom and Grandpa
- Another nap and then helping Mom and Grannymom take the wallpaper off of my bathroom-I wasn't very helpful. I climbed on the stool and brought lots of toys in the middle of everything
- A quick supper and then shopping at Target until bed
Counting My Change!
- Playing outside early this morning-I love to swing (but Anderson always walks in front of me)
- Counting up my money
- Coloring while in the bathtub
- Helping Mom with the laundry while Anderson napped
- Eating lunch with Dad, Mom, Anderson, Grannymom and Grandpa at On The Border
- An afternoon nap
- Helping Mom and Grannymom take the wallpaper off of my bathroom-I was a good help. Mom would get a piece started and I would pull it off and then I held the trashbag for Mom.
- A quick supper and then shopping at Target until bedtime
Where Did Mom Go?
- Spending the morning in Sunday School and then playing with Mom, Dad and Nonna during extended session
- Eating lunch at Nonna and Pop's house
- Coming home and taking a long nap which made Mom very happy
- Playing with Dad while Mom was at a meeting and eating a really big supper
- Meeting Mom and Reagan for supper and then coming home to go straight to bed
I Need a Little Extra Cheese!
- Spending the morning in Sunday School-Mr. Ryan played the guitar for me
- Eating lunch at Nonna and Pops-I had 2 pieces of pie
- Playing all afternoon long with Nonna and even taking a nap at Nonna's house
- Meeting Mom after her meeting at church
- Telling Mom all about my day in the car
- Eating pizza for supper at US Pizza with the family
- Coming home and going straight to bed
Look at My Pizza!
- Getting into bed early this morning with Mom and Dad and asking, asking and asking for my milk
- Putting on our clothes and heading out to shop all morning long
- Eating lunch at Moe's and getting to buy two things of candy since I was a good girl
- Taking an afternoon nap
- Making our supper tonight-Pizza! I did it all by myself (with a little help from Mom)
- Playing all evening long until bedtime-we played with my baby and cupcakes all night
I'm a Climber!
- Putting on our clothes and heading out the door early this morning
- Shopping around town, a nap in the car and then lunch at Moe's
- Another nap this afternoon
- Fussing while Reagan made pizza-I wanted to help open the oven so Mom had to tie me up (or put my in my highchair)
- Eating Reagan'a pizza and playing all evening long
Let me show you this laptop...
- Spending a lazy morning around the house-I played with Anderson's cars and firetrucks, helped Mom do the laundry and clean out under the sink, jumped in my jumpy thing, watched my movie, played Candyland Castle game and ring'o'round the rosies with Anderson and helped Mom make some cookies
- Eating Dad's lunch from McDonalds then we finished making the cookies (I thought that when Mom handed me dough to make a ball that I was supposed to eat it!-I ate alot of cookie dough)
- Bringing Mom lots of laundry to fold while she watched Anderson in the bathtub and then taking my bath
- Talking in my bed until I finally fell asleep
- Mom waking me up to go and meet Dad for pizza
- Walking around Office Depot before coming home and putting on our pajamas
- Eating doughnuts before bed (My parents are so cool!)
Reagan Loves to do Ring around the Rosie with Me!
- Spending a lazy morning around the house-I played with my firetruck and cars, helped Mom sweep, played ring'o'round the rosies with Reagan and watched the girls make cookies
- Dad brought us McDonalds for lunch so we didn't have to eat a hot dog!
- Playing some more before taking a bath. I took my bath first and then tried to climb back in the tub with Reagan
- Sleeping until Mom woke me up to go and meet Dad for pizza
- Eating pizza and then walking around Office Depot
- Putting on my pajamas and then eating doughnuts before bed! (My parents are so cool!)
Tara's 30th Birthday
Party #4 - We celebrated again during Sunday lunch at the Dennie's. (click here for more pictures) Tara picked the menu of tortilla soup and oreo delight. Magazines and gift cards were her presents there. Reagan thinks that Tara's birthday last all month long.
Party #3 - We started Tara's birthday off right with a cinnamon roll birthday cake and lots of presents. Anderson enjoyed the cinnamon rolls but Reagan passed in lieu of applesauce. Tara's most exciting presents were a toilet monster and a trip to IKEA! (click here for more pictures)
Party #2 - Saturday night (click here for more pictures) we had hamburgers and all of the fixings at the Brocks, along with a huge Paula Deen cake. The food was delicious and Tara had plenty of presents to open-and she will not be very well dressed! (Reagan sings Happy Birthday - video #1 (click here) video #2 (click here)
Party #1 - We began our celebration the Friday night before Tara's birthday. We ate supper at Famous Dave's and then had ice cream sundaes from McDonalds.
I Like My Grilled Cheese!
- Another day at school-my note said that I colored today but I said that I didn't color
- Playing with Nonna and Pops after school
- Watching my movies this afternoon and playing a game with Mom
- Eating a grilled cheese sandwich and peaches for supper
- Playing "ring'o'round the rosies" with Anderson
- Eating supper again at Kyle's house-he had a birthday party for Mom (click here for party pictures)
- Playing with Anderson, Kennedy, Camryn and Jacob until bedtime
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