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Tara & Reagan hung around the house during the day. Beverly Johnson stopped by for a quick visit. Tonight, Tara went to a recipe party while Robby & Reagan went to visit Grannymom & Grandpa.
September 28, 2005
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Tara and Reagan stayed around the house today. Grannymom came for a visit before lunch and Nonna was by after lunch.
Tara and Reagan stayed around the house today. Grannymom came for a visit before lunch and Nonna was by after lunch.
September 27, 2005
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We walked over to Grannymom & Grandpa's before supper for a quick visit. When we got back to the house, the Rocketts had stopped by to say hello.
We walked over to Grannymom & Grandpa's before supper for a quick visit. When we got back to the house, the Rocketts had stopped by to say hello.
September 26, 2005
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Robby returned to work today while Reagan and Tara stayed home. Tonight, Reagan & Tara visited Nonna & Pops for a short visit while Robby went to a friend's birthday get together.
Robby returned to work today while Reagan and Tara stayed home. Tonight, Reagan & Tara visited Nonna & Pops for a short visit while Robby went to a friend's birthday get together.
September 25, 2005
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Nonna & Pops got to babysit Reagan this evening while we were at the Rep. It was the longest we've gone from Reagan -- over 4 hours! --but everyone survived and we think Nonna & Pops really enjoyed it.
Nonna & Pops got to babysit Reagan this evening while we were at the Rep. It was the longest we've gone from Reagan -- over 4 hours! --but everyone survived and we think Nonna & Pops really enjoyed it.
September 24, 2005
Click here for more
We went to the Rocketts this afternoon to watch the Hogs play Alabama. The Hogs lost their third in a row. We came home and hung around the house the rest of the day.
September 23, 2005
Click here for more
We were on the go today. Grannymom & Grandpa stopped by this morning for a quick visit. Next, we went to visit Acxiom and the Academy at Riverdale. We stopped at Park Plaza Mall for lunch and then we returned to Grannymom & Grandpa's house for another quick visit. Then it was home for a little while before going to the grocery store. Nonna & Pops stopped by with supper later in the evening.
We were on the go today. Grannymom & Grandpa stopped by this morning for a quick visit. Next, we went to visit Acxiom and the Academy at Riverdale. We stopped at Park Plaza Mall for lunch and then we returned to Grannymom & Grandpa's house for another quick visit. Then it was home for a little while before going to the grocery store. Nonna & Pops stopped by with supper later in the evening.
Reagan Welcomes Grannymom & Grandpa Home from Spain: September 22, 2005
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This morning we got out for a little bit to visit Duck, Duck, Goose and then we had lunch at Jason's Deli. We took a few pictures this afternoon and then went to the airport to meet Grannymom & Grandpa home from Spain. We had a pizza supper at their house with Dana, Brad, Lilly & Jenna to celebrate Robby's 31st birthday.
This morning we got out for a little bit to visit Duck, Duck, Goose and then we had lunch at Jason's Deli. We took a few pictures this afternoon and then went to the airport to meet Grannymom & Grandpa home from Spain. We had a pizza supper at their house with Dana, Brad, Lilly & Jenna to celebrate Robby's 31st birthday.
Reagan Celebrates Dad's Birthday at Nonna & Pops: September 21, 2005
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We spent most of the day at home today. Nonna came to visit and to help around the house a bit. Tonight, we went to Nonna & Pops to celebrate Dad's birthday.
We spent most of the day at home today. Nonna came to visit and to help around the house a bit. Tonight, we went to Nonna & Pops to celebrate Dad's birthday.
Reagan Visits Nonna & Pops Work: September 20, 2005
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Late last night we got a chance to get Reagan's hand and footprints for her baby book. She slept good again last night before waking up around 6:00 a.m. Mid-morning we got out for a little bit to visit Nonna where she works part-time at New Life Resale and then it was off to visit Pops at church. Later, we went with Pops to Three Sams Bar-b-que, Reagan's first time to "eat out." We had a lazy afternoon around the house before a visit from Nonna & Pops tonight.
Late last night we got a chance to get Reagan's hand and footprints for her baby book. She slept good again last night before waking up around 6:00 a.m. Mid-morning we got out for a little bit to visit Nonna where she works part-time at New Life Resale and then it was off to visit Pops at church. Later, we went with Pops to Three Sams Bar-b-que, Reagan's first time to "eat out." We had a lazy afternoon around the house before a visit from Nonna & Pops tonight.
Reagan Visits Dr. Martin's Office: September 19, 2005
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Miss Reagan turned a week old today. Time does pass quickly. She had another restful last night -- breaking a record -- 6 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up 6:30 this morning. We visited her pediatrician, Dr. Martin, this morning for a quick checkup. She weighed in at 7 pounds and got a healthy report from the doctor. Next, we stopped by Lynda & Charlie Pruitt's for a quick visit and then home for restful afternoon. We took it pretty easy this night as well.
Miss Reagan turned a week old today. Time does pass quickly. She had another restful last night -- breaking a record -- 6 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up 6:30 this morning. We visited her pediatrician, Dr. Martin, this morning for a quick checkup. She weighed in at 7 pounds and got a healthy report from the doctor. Next, we stopped by Lynda & Charlie Pruitt's for a quick visit and then home for restful afternoon. We took it pretty easy this night as well.
Reagan Marie Goes to Church: September 18, 2005
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We're batting 4 for 4 on our good nights rest - Reagan slept for five hours before waking up on her own at 4:30 this morning to be fed. Later that morning, it was sponge bath time. Reagan enjoyed the warm water before getting dressed for church. We made it to church where Nonna kept Reagan while we went to big church. A few visitors stopped by Tom's office to take a peek at Reagan. After lunch at Nonna & Pops, we made it home for a quick visit with Brad and Jenna and then a Sunday afternoon nap. We made it back for Sunday night church where Reagan attended big church with us. Then it was time to come home again.
We're batting 4 for 4 on our good nights rest - Reagan slept for five hours before waking up on her own at 4:30 this morning to be fed. Later that morning, it was sponge bath time. Reagan enjoyed the warm water before getting dressed for church. We made it to church where Nonna kept Reagan while we went to big church. A few visitors stopped by Tom's office to take a peek at Reagan. After lunch at Nonna & Pops, we made it home for a quick visit with Brad and Jenna and then a Sunday afternoon nap. We made it back for Sunday night church where Reagan attended big church with us. Then it was time to come home again.
Reagan Marie Visits Nonna & Pops' House: September 17, 2005
Click here for more
The third night was another good one -- Reagan got the majority of her sleep from 11:30 until 4:30 when we woke her up to feed. She went right back to sleep before waking back up at 7:30. She entertained a little company mid afternoon, took another stroller ride up the street before taking an afternoon nap. She made her first trip to Nonna & Pops tonight for supper and quick visit. We made a brief visit to our Sunday School class fellowship at the Goudy's before heading home to watch the Hogs take on the University of Southern California. Of course, Reagan had her Razorback outfit on and did her best to cheer on the Hogs.
The third night was another good one -- Reagan got the majority of her sleep from 11:30 until 4:30 when we woke her up to feed. She went right back to sleep before waking back up at 7:30. She entertained a little company mid afternoon, took another stroller ride up the street before taking an afternoon nap. She made her first trip to Nonna & Pops tonight for supper and quick visit. We made a brief visit to our Sunday School class fellowship at the Goudy's before heading home to watch the Hogs take on the University of Southern California. Of course, Reagan had her Razorback outfit on and did her best to cheer on the Hogs.
Reagan Marie Makes Her First Outing(s): September 16, 2005
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The second night at home went well - Reagan managed to sleep from 12:30 am until 5:30 am before we woke her up to feed her. We took a quick stroll up the block and then back home for a sleepy afternoon. Carter & Amy Babb stopped by for a quick visit. While Tara visited the Bunko group, I stopped by Dana & Brad's for supper and a visit with Lilly. I picked Tara up at Bunko, held at the home of Nikki Chumley, and introduced Reagan to the Bunko Group.
The second night at home went well - Reagan managed to sleep from 12:30 am until 5:30 am before we woke her up to feed her. We took a quick stroll up the block and then back home for a sleepy afternoon. Carter & Amy Babb stopped by for a quick visit. While Tara visited the Bunko group, I stopped by Dana & Brad's for supper and a visit with Lilly. I picked Tara up at Bunko, held at the home of Nikki Chumley, and introduced Reagan to the Bunko Group.
Reagan Marie Spends Her First Full Day at Home: September 15, 2005
Click here for more
We had a lazy day around the house today. We survived our first night without any major issues. Reagan went to bed around 11:00 night last night, awoke at 1:15 when Tara changed her diaper, 3:00 when I fed her, 4:45 for a diaper change and then 7:30 for breakfast. We were able to sleep in between and felt rested when we got up at 7:30. We ended up having to wake her up at 11:30 to eat and then Nonna and Pops stopped by with lunch. Later Beebee and Papaw stopped to check on us as well. We all managed to sneak in a nap (including Pops) during the afternoon along with a quick photo shoot! The Thursday night crew brought supper to our house this week where Kennedy got to meet Reagan for the first time.
We had a lazy day around the house today. We survived our first night without any major issues. Reagan went to bed around 11:00 night last night, awoke at 1:15 when Tara changed her diaper, 3:00 when I fed her, 4:45 for a diaper change and then 7:30 for breakfast. We were able to sleep in between and felt rested when we got up at 7:30. We ended up having to wake her up at 11:30 to eat and then Nonna and Pops stopped by with lunch. Later Beebee and Papaw stopped to check on us as well. We all managed to sneak in a nap (including Pops) during the afternoon along with a quick photo shoot! The Thursday night crew brought supper to our house this week where Kennedy got to meet Reagan for the first time.
Reagan Marie Comes Home from the Hospital: September 14, 2005
Click here for more
Thirty-eight hours after being born, Reagan Marie was heading home to Gamble Road. Earlier in the morning, the pediatrician and Tara's doctor stopped by for their final checkup before releasing us. We arrived home to find a huge stork in the yard and a pretty pink 'Welcome Home' banner. We got settled in and unpacked. Reagan did great throughout the day and seems to be feeling at home. She's already met her two dogs, Bailey & Belle, as well!
Thirty-eight hours after being born, Reagan Marie was heading home to Gamble Road. Earlier in the morning, the pediatrician and Tara's doctor stopped by for their final checkup before releasing us. We arrived home to find a huge stork in the yard and a pretty pink 'Welcome Home' banner. We got settled in and unpacked. Reagan did great throughout the day and seems to be feeling at home. She's already met her two dogs, Bailey & Belle, as well!
Reagan Marie 2nd Day in the World: September 13, 2005
Click here for more
We've had another fun day with Reagan. We got checked into our regular room around 1:00 in the morning and she went to the nursery and Tara & I got some sleep. The nurses brought her back to the room around 8:30 where we had a full day of entertaining guests, feeding, and changing diapers (yes, I changed my first diaper today!). Reagan and Tara are doing great. Tara is getting around good and has walked the hall a few times and been sitting up most of the day. Tara's doctor and a pediatrician visited and gave good reports. The plan is for us to go home sometime tomorrow morning.
We've had another fun day with Reagan. We got checked into our regular room around 1:00 in the morning and she went to the nursery and Tara & I got some sleep. The nurses brought her back to the room around 8:30 where we had a full day of entertaining guests, feeding, and changing diapers (yes, I changed my first diaper today!). Reagan and Tara are doing great. Tara is getting around good and has walked the hall a few times and been sitting up most of the day. Tara's doctor and a pediatrician visited and gave good reports. The plan is for us to go home sometime tomorrow morning.
19 2005
Reagan visits her Pediatrician
Miss Reagan turned a week old today. Time does pass quickly. She had
another restful last night -- breaking a record -- 6 1/2 hours of sleep before
waking up 6:30 this morning. We visited her pediatrician, Dr. Martin, this
morning for a quick checkup. She weighed in at 7 pounds and got a healthy
report from the doctor. Next, we stopped by Lynda & Charlie Pruitt's for a quick
visit and then home for restful afternoon. We took it pretty easy this night as
18 2005
Reagan Goes to Church
batting 4 for 4 on our good nights rest - Reagan slept for five hours before
waking up on her own at 4:30 this morning to be fed. Later that morning, it was
sponge bath time. Reagan enjoyed the warm water before getting dressed for
church. We made it to church where Nonna kept Reagan while we went to big
church. A few visitors stopped by Tom's office to take a peek at Reagan. After
lunch at Nonna & Pops, we made it home for a quick visit with Brad and Jenna and
then a Sunday afternoon nap. We made it back for Sunday night church where
Reagan attended big church with us. Then it was time to come home again.
17 2005
Reagan visits Nonna & Pops' House
The third night was another good one -- Reagan got the majority of her sleep from 11:30 until 4:30 when we woke her up to feed. She went right back to sleep before waking back up at 7:30. She entertained a little company mid afternoon, took another stroller ride up the street before taking an afternoon nap. She made her first trip to Nonna & Pops tonight for supper and quick visit. We made a brief visit to our Sunday School class fellowship at the Goudy's before heading home to watch the Hogs take on the University of Southern California. Of course, Reagan had her Razorback outfit on and did her best to cheer on the Hogs.
16 2005
Reagan takes a stroll plus a quick
The second
night at home went well - Reagan managed to sleep from 12:30 am until 5:30 am
before we woke her up to feed her. We
took a quick stroll up the block and then
back home for a sleepy afternoon. Carter & Amy Babb stopped by for a quick
visit. While Tara visited the Bunko group, I stopped by Dana & Brad's for
supper and a visit with Lilly. I picked Tara up at Bunko,
held at the home of Nikki Chumley, and
introduced Reagan to the Bunko Babes.
15 2005
Reagan's 1st Full Day at Home
We had a lazy day around the house today. We
survived our first night without any major issues. Reagan went to bed
around 11:00 night last night, awoke at 1:15 when Tara changed her diaper,
3:00 when I fed her, 4:45 for a diaper change and then 7:30 for breakfast.
We were able to sleep in between and felt rested when we got up at 7:30. We
ended up having to wake her up at 11:30 to eat and then Nonna and Pops
stopped by with lunch. Later Beebee and Papaw stopped to check on us as
well. We all managed to sneak in a nap (including Pops) during the afternoon
along with a quick photo
shoot! The Thursday night crew brought supper to our house this week
where Kennedy got to meet Reagan for the first time.
14 2005
Reagan Comes Home
Thirty-eight hours after being born,
Reagan Marie was heading
home to Gamble Road. Earlier in the morning, the pediatrician and Tara's
doctor stopped by for their final checkup before releasing us. We arrived
home to find a huge stork in the yard and a pretty pink 'Welcome Home'
banner. We got settled in and unpacked. Reagan did great throughout the
day and seems to be feeling at home. She's already met her two dogs, Bailey
& Belle, as well!
13 2005
Reagan Marie's 2nd Day in the World
We've had
another fun day with Reagan.
We got checked into our regular room around 1:00 in the morning and she went
to the nursery and Tara & I got some sleep. The nurses brought her back to
the room around 8:30 where we had a full day of entertaining guests,
feeding, and changing diapers (yes, I changed my first diaper today!).
Reagan and Tara are doing great. Tara is getting around good and has walked
the hall a few times and been sitting up most of the day. Tara's doctor and
a pediatrician visited and gave good reports. The plan is for us to go home
sometime tomorrow morning.
12 2005
Reagan Marie Dennie is BORN
day started at 4:00 AM
when the alarm clock sounded at home. We arrived at Doctor's Hospital at
5:00 am and soon Tara was started on an IV and pitocin to induce
contractions. We anxiously awaited the birth along with family and friends
throughout the day. The wait extended for almost 16 hours of labor.
After a successful deliver, it was time to share the news with with family & friends waiting in the waiting room. Folks began making calls to spread the news and look at a few first pictures and video of Reagan.
Reagan Marie was born at 9:12 PM on September 12, 2005. She weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. She was 20.5 inches in length. Dr. C.E. Phillips delivered the baby with the assistance of Kelly & Diane. Soon after the birth, family and friends visited Reagan and Tara.
After a successful deliver, it was time to share the news with with family & friends waiting in the waiting room. Folks began making calls to spread the news and look at a few first pictures and video of Reagan.
Reagan Marie was born at 9:12 PM on September 12, 2005. She weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. She was 20.5 inches in length. Dr. C.E. Phillips delivered the baby with the assistance of Kelly & Diane. Soon after the birth, family and friends visited Reagan and Tara.
09 2005
Eight Days Past Original Due Date
We are 8 days past the original
due date.
I have not spoken with my parents, as of this morning, but their plane did land in Madrid around 2:00 AM our time.
I have not spoken with my parents, as of this morning, but their plane did land in Madrid around 2:00 AM our time.
08 2005
Baby Dennie's
Grandparents Depart for Spain
We are 7 days past the original
due date. Tara is feeling fine and getting around great. She's made it to
ladies' class meeting tonight.
The doctor said he will induce on Monday, September 12th, if the baby has not come before.
Several have asked -- yes, my folks did leave for Spain today. We will be in contact with them often and they will be among the first to hear some of Baby Dennie's first cries via the telephone.
The doctor said he will induce on Monday, September 12th, if the baby has not come before.
Several have asked -- yes, my folks did leave for Spain today. We will be in contact with them often and they will be among the first to hear some of Baby Dennie's first cries via the telephone.
07 2005
Just another day in the Dennie household
No major developments today. Tara is feeling
fine and even made a trip to Wal-Mart. She attended water
aerobics this evening.
06 2005
12th Visit to Dr. Phillips
We visited Dr. Phillips this afternoon. He said the
baby is still in the right position and the heartbeat sounded good. He
said it was a little too early to induce and he is still hoping for a
natural delivery. However, if the baby has not come on its own before
Monday, September 12th, he will induce.
06 2005
Doctor visit
planned for today
Five days post original due date and we're still
waiting on Baby Dennie. Tara has a scheduled appointment with Dr. Phillips
this afternoon. We'll update as soon as we know more. Tara is
feeling fine and getting around and out without any problems.
03 2005
Still waiting...
Well, after three meals of Mexican food last week
we're thinking might have to move to meals fully of curry. Maybe not...
We're being patient and still anxiously awaiting Baby Dennie.
Baby Dennie
Is Going to Make Us Wait
Itt looks like September 1st is going to pass
without a new baby. We had a fairly active day but still no baby. We
even had Mexican food for the third time this week....oh, we're just getting
excited but know that it will be here in God's timing. We'll keep you
AUGUST 31 2005
Visit to Dr. Phillips
Well, it looks like we are going to have a September baby. We visited
Dr. Phillips late this afternoon. Not much news except everything
looks in good shape as far as mom and baby are concerned. The doctor
said unless Tara goes into labor beforehand, he would see her again for a
checkup on Tuesday, September 6th. The official due date is tomorrow,
September 1st. Stay tuned....
AUGUST 24 2005
Visit Number
10 with Dr. Phillips
AUGUST 17 2005
Ninth Checkup
with Dr. Phillips and Nursery Pictures Updated
AUGUST 11 2005
Friends from work throw us a
AUGUST 10 2005
Eighth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
On the eve of Tara's 37th week of pregnancy, we
visited Dr. Phillips for our eighth appointment. He said the baby was
definitely head first and he would see us back again next week.
AUGUST 3 2005
Stroller #3!
SUNDAY, JULY 31 2005
Friends Throw Tara a Baby Shower

JULY 29 2005
Consultation with the Pediatrician

JULY 27 2005
'Private' Infant Care Class
We had signed up for the
care class along with all the other classes (child birth and CPR).
Well, we ended up being the only ones in the class so we received some
one-on-one instruction for picking up the baby, bathing the baby, feeding the
baby, and lots of good advice. Linda Frazier, the nurse from our child
birthing class, was the instructor once again.
JULY 26 2005
Seventh Checkup with Dr. Phillips
Tara and I visited Dr. Phillips again today.
He checked the heartbeat, measured Tara's stomach and asked if we had any
questions. He said he would see Tara back in two weeks.
MONDAY, JULY 25 2005
Stroller #2...
21 2005
Infant Child CPR Class
We attend the
child cpr class tonight which covered
accident prevention, rescue breathing, CPR and relief of airway obstruction
for children up to 8 years. The instructor was
Gary Lambright
who is also the pastor of Park Place Baptist Church in Little Rock.
Second Night of Child Birthing Class
We wrapped up our
child birthing classes tonight.
The nurse shared a little a bit about what would happen if a c-section was
necessary. We then visited the labor delivery area of the hospital to
check out an example of one of the rooms where Tara will give birth. We
stopped by the nursery as well to see of the recently born babies.
JULY 12 2005
Sixth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
Tara visited Dr. Phillips by herself today. He
checked the baby's heartbeat and measured across Tara's stomach verifying she
was at 32 weeks. He said everything was progressing great.
JULY 6 2005
Our First Child Birthing Class
Two Outfits For One Baby?
SUNDAY, JUNE 26 2005
Registering at Target and Toys R

Checkup with Dr. Phillips

Lightweight Stroller Arrives at
Gamble Road
We purchased a lightweight stroller from One Step Ahead. We were able to
put it together pretty easily. It's compact and easy to fold up.
Fourth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
Tara visited Dr. Phillips for a brief visit along with her mom (while Rob was
in a 3-hour meeting at work :( He checked the baby's heartbeat (132
beats per minute) and asked if Tara or Tommye had any questions. No major
questions but Tommye did ask how long he let's labor go before performing a
c-section. The doctor's response: "It depends!"
MAY 16 2005
Tara Begins Aqua Moms at Baptist Hospital

MAY 14 2005
Decorating Continues on Baby Dennie's Room

MAY 7 2005
Transforming a Guest Room Into Baby Dennie's Room

APR 18 2005
The Big Ultrasound at Week 20
FRIDAY, APR 1 2005
Traveling in the Dakotas & Nebraska

MONDAY, MAR 21 2005
Third Checkup with Dr. Phillips
It was another brief visit and a check of the heartbeat. The baby's heartbeat
was 143 beats a minute. The doctor again said everything looked great. This is Tara's 16th week of pregnancy. He said
Tara was progressing as expected. He said our next visit will include a visit
to radiology for the big ultrasound which will be on April 18th.
SUNDAY, MAR 6 2005
Baby Dennie's First Gift
Baby Dennie received a gift from Aunt Dana, Uncle Brad and cousins Jenna &
Lilly. It included a decorative bowl, booties, and a yellow duck.
Announcing Baby Dennie to Family & Friends

MONDAY, FEB 21 2005
Quick Checkup And a Listen to the Baby's Heartbeat
We returned to the doctor for a quick check up. This is
Tara's 12th week of pregnancy. After checking to make sure Tara
has been feeling okay, Dr. Phillips checks the baby's heartbeat. Again, he
said everything was in good shape and said he would see us again in a few
MONDAY, JAN 24 2005
Ultrasound Confirms Pregnancy
TUESDAY, DEC 28 2004
Tara Shares the News with Me
I returned to
work today after being off a few days for the Christmas holidays.
When I got home in the afternoon, Tara said she had one more present for me
to open. I found a baby bib and quickly determined we were going to
have a baby! She called the doctor and he said to come in a few weeks
to confirm the pregnancy test.
Reagan visits her Pediatrician
Miss Reagan turned a week old today. Time does pass quickly. She had another restful last night --
breaking a record -- 6 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up 6:30 this morning. We visited her pediatrician, Dr. Martin, this
morning for a quick checkup. She weighed
in at 7 pounds and got a healthy report from the doctor. Next, we stopped by
Lynda & Charlie Pruitt's for a quick visit and then home for restful
afternoon. We took it pretty easy this night as well.
Reagan Goes to Church
We're batting 4 for 4 on our good nights rest - Reagan
slept for five hours before waking up on her own at 4:30 this morning to be
fed. Later that morning, it was sponge
bath time. Reagan enjoyed the warm water
before getting dressed for church. We
made it to church where Nonna kept Reagan while we went to big church. A few visitors stopped by Tom's office to
take a peek at Reagan. After lunch at
Nonna & Pops, we made it home for a quick visit with Brad and Jenna and
then a Sunday afternoon nap. We made it
back for Sunday night church where Reagan attended big church with us. Then it was time to come home again.
Reagan visits Nonna & Pops' House
The third night was another good one -- Reagan got the
majority of her sleep from 11:30 until 4:30 when we woke her up to feed. She
went right back to sleep before waking back up at 7:30. She entertained a little company mid
afternoon, took another stroller ride up the street before taking an afternoon
nap. She made her first trip to Nonna & Pops tonight for supper and quick
visit. We made a brief visit to our Sunday School class fellowship at the
Goudy's before heading home to watch the Hogs take on the University of
Southern California. Of course, Reagan had her Razorback outfit on and did her
best to cheer on the Hogs.
Reagan takes a stroll plus a quick outing
The second night at home went well - Reagan managed to
sleep from 12:30 am until 5:30 am before we woke her up to feed her. We took a
quick stroll up the block and then back home for a sleepy afternoon. Carter
& Amy Babb stopped by for a quick visit.
While Tara visited the Bunko group, I stopped by Dana & Brad's for
supper and a visit with Lilly. I picked
Tara up at Bunko, held at the home of Nikki Chumley, and introduced Reagan to
the Bunko Babes.
Reagan's 1st Full Day at Home
We had a lazy day around the house today. We survived our first night without any major
issues. Reagan went to bed around 11:00
night last night, awoke at 1:15 when Tara changed her diaper, 3:00 when I fed
her, 4:45 for a diaper change and then 7:30 for breakfast. We were able to sleep in between and felt
rested when we got up at 7:30. We ended
up having to wake her up at 11:30 to eat and then Nonna and Pops stopped by
with lunch. Later Beebee and Papaw stopped to check on us as well. We all
managed to sneak in a nap (including Pops) during the afternoon along with a
quick photo shoot! The Thursday night crew brought supper to our house this
week where Kennedy got to meet Reagan for the first time.
Reagan Comes Home
Thirty-eight hours after being born, Reagan Marie was
heading home to Gamble Road. Earlier in the morning, the pediatrician and
Tara's doctor stopped by for their final checkup before releasing us. We arrived home to find a huge stork in the
yard and a pretty pink 'Welcome Home' banner.
We got settled in and unpacked.
Reagan did great throughout the day and seems to be feeling at home.
She's already met her two dogs, Bailey & Belle, as well!
Reagan Marie's 2nd Day in the World
We've had another fun day with Reagan. We got checked
into our regular room around 1:00 in the morning and she went to the nursery
and Tara & I got some sleep. The nurses brought her back to the room around
8:30 where we had a full day of entertaining guests, feeding, and changing
diapers (yes, I changed my first diaper today!). Reagan and Tara are doing great. Tara is getting around good and has walked
the hall a few times and been sitting up most of the day. Tara's doctor and a
pediatrician visited and gave good reports. The plan is for us to go home
sometime tomorrow morning.
Reagan Marie Dennie is BORN
Our day started at 4:00 AM when the alarm clock sounded
at home. We arrived at Doctor's Hospital at 5:00 am and soon Tara was started on
an IV and pitocin to induce contractions.
We anxiously awaited the birth along with family and friends throughout
the day. The wait extended for almost 16
hours of labor.
After a successful deliver, it was time to share the news
with with family & friends waiting in the waiting room. Folks began making calls to spread the news
and look at a few first pictures and video of Reagan.
Reagan Marie was born at 9:12 PM on September 12, 2005.
She weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. She
was 20.5 inches in length. Dr. C.E.
Phillips delivered the baby with the assistance of Kelly & Diane. Soon after the birth, family and friends
visited Reagan and Tara.
Eight Days Past Original Due Date
We are 8 days past the original due date.
I have not spoken with my parents, as of this morning,
but their plane did land in Madrid around 2:00 AM our time.
Baby Dennie's Grandparents Depart for Spain
We are 7 days past the original due date. Tara is feeling fine and getting around
great. She's made it to ladies' class meeting tonight.
The doctor said he will induce on Monday, September 12th,
if the baby has not come before.
Several have asked -- yes, my folks did leave for Spain
today. We will be in contact with them often and they will be among the first
to hear some of Baby Dennie's first cries via the telephone.
Just another day in the Dennie household
No major developments today. Tara is feeling fine and even made a trip to
Wal-Mart. She attended water aerobics this evening.
12th Visit to Dr. Phillips
We visited Dr. Phillips this afternoon. He said the baby
is still in the right position and the heartbeat sounded good. He said it was a little too early to induce
and he is still hoping for a natural delivery. However, if the baby has not
come on its own before Monday, September 12th, he will induce.
Doctor visit planned for today
Five days post original due date and we're still waiting
on Baby Dennie. Tara has a scheduled appointment with Dr. Phillips this
afternoon. We'll update as soon as we
know more. Tara is feeling fine and
getting around and out without any problems.
Still waiting...
Well, after three meals of Mexican food last week we're
thinking might have to move to meals fully of curry. Maybe not... We're being patient and still anxiously
awaiting Baby Dennie.
Baby Dennie Is Going to Make Us Wait
Itt looks like September 1st is going to pass without a
new baby. We had a fairly active day but
still no baby. We even had Mexican food for the third time this week....oh,
we're just getting excited but know that it will be here in God's timing. We'll keep you posted.
Eleventh Visit to Dr. Phillips
Well, it looks like we are going to have a September
baby. We visited Dr. Phillips late this
afternoon. Not much news except
everything looks in good shape as far as mom and baby are concerned. The doctor said unless Tara goes into labor
beforehand, he would see her again for a checkup on Tuesday, September 6th. The official due date is tomorrow, September
1st. Stay tuned....
Visit Number 10 with Dr. Phillips
We visited Dr. Phillips again today. He said everything looked in good order and
that he would probably see us back in the office next week. He said the baby's
head was definitely lower than last week and the pregnancy was progressing
Ninth Checkup with Dr. Phillips and Nursery Pictures
Tara has reached Week 38 and she made a visit to Dr.
Phillips for her ninth checkup. Her
appointment was at 4:00 but the doctor was delivering a baby so she had to wait
a bit before her checkup. Everything
still looks good and he said he would see us back next week. Also, we hung a few picture frames in the
nursery. I think we've got most items in
place and now all we need is a baby!
Friends from work throw us a shower
Friends from Acxiom hosted a shower for us at Vermillion
Water Grille during lunch today. We were
showered with great gifts and some fun stories related to rearing a child from
infancy through teenage.
Eighth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
On the eve of Tara's 37th week of pregnancy, we visited
Dr. Phillips for our eighth appointment.
He said the baby was definitely head first and he would see us back
again next week.
Stroller #3!
I think we have bought our last stroller! We bought a travel system today which
includes the car seat along with a regular size stroller. We put it together tonight and attempted to
install the stroller base in Tara's car.
Friends Throw Tara a Baby Shower
Tara had a baby shower today hosted by Stephanie Rockett,
Amber McGuire, April Pennington, Kim Norton, and Gwen Folwer. Along with food
and drink, friends and family showered us with all kinds of gifts for our
baby. Thanks to everyone!
Consultation with the Pediatrician
We met our pediatrician for the first time today. Her name is Dr. Dawn Martin. She is
affiliated with All for Kids Medical Clinic on Autumn Road in Little Rock. She introduced herself and told us a little
bit about herself and the clinic (she has an 18-month old herself). There are six different doctors affiliated
with the clinic. We'll meet her or one of them soon after the baby is born and
then we will have our first real appointment with her 3-5 days after the baby
is born.
'Private' Infant Care Class
We had signed up for the infant care class along with all
the other classes (child birth and CPR).
Well, we ended up being the only ones in the class so we received some
one-on-one instruction for picking up the baby, bathing the baby, feeding the
baby, and lots of good advice. Linda
Frazier, the nurse from our child birthing class, was the instructor once
Seventh Checkup with Dr. Phillips
Tara and I visited Dr. Phillips again today. He checked the heartbeat, measured Tara's
stomach and asked if we had any questions.
He said he would see Tara back in two weeks.
Stroller #2...
We found another good deal on a stroller - this time a
jogging stroller. I'm not sure how much jogging it will see but we thought it
would be a good stroller to have for around our neighborhood with its big
wheels. It should make for a good walking stroller for the curbs and
sidewalks. It came from
and was fairly easy to put together - basically attach the wheels and tighten.
Infant Child CPR Class
We attend the infant child cpr class tonight which
covered accident prevention, rescue breathing, CPR and relief of airway
obstruction for children up to 8 years. The instructor was Gary Lambright who
is also the pastor of Park Place Baptist Church in Little Rock.
Second Night of Child Birthing Class
We wrapped up our child birthing classes tonight. The nurse shared a little a bit about what
would happen if a c-section was necessary.
We then visited the labor delivery area of the hospital to check out an
example of one of the rooms where Tara will give birth. We stopped by the nursery as well to see of
the recently born babies.
Sixth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
Tara visited Dr. Phillips by herself today. He checked the baby's heartbeat and measured
across Tara's stomach verifying she was at 32 weeks. He said everything was progressing great.
Our First Child Birthing Class
We attended our first child birthing class tonight at
Doctor's Hospital. Linda Frazier, one of the labor delivery nurses, was the
instructor. We learned a lot of medical term, what to expect on the day of
birth, plus she shared several massage techniques to make "mom" feel
Two Outfits For One Baby?
Tara's grandmother gave us some money to buy an outfit
for the baby when we bring it home from the hospital. So we went to Dillard's
today and bought one boy outfit and one girl outfit. Guess we will take one of them back.
SUNDAY, JUNE 26 2005
Registering at Target and Toys R Us
We spent a few hours Sunday afternoon registering for
baby gifts at Target and Toys R Us. Who
knows if we are registering for the right stuff but we tried to make use of the
suggested lists and a little common sense.
Fifth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
We visited Dr. Phillips for Tara's regularly scheduled
checkup today. It was a quick visit and
basically everything is still on target for a September 1st delivery. He asked if we had any questions and after a
quick picture we were on our way.
Lightweight Stroller Arrives at Gamble Road
We purchased a lightweight stroller from One Step
Ahead. We were able to put it together
pretty easily. It's compact and easy to fold up.
Fourth Checkup with Dr. Phillips
Tara visited Dr. Phillips for a brief visit along with
her mom (while Rob was in a 3-hour meeting at work :( He checked the baby's heartbeat (132 beats
per minute) and asked if Tara or Tommye had any questions. No major questions
but Tommye did ask how long he let's labor go before performing a c-section. The doctor's response: "It depends!"
MONDAY, MAY 16 2005
Tara Begins Aqua Moms at Baptist Hospital
Tara started Aqua Moms today. It's a water exercise program for expectant
mothers. They do exercises to keep
mothers in shape for labor and delivery, and being in the water helps ease aches
and pains associated with the pregnancy (although Tara reports no real aches or pains at this time!)
Decorating Continues on Baby Dennie's Room
We started adding additional decorations and furniture to
the baby's room. It's starting to look a
lot more like a real baby's room.
Looking in there each day make us realize we really are having a
baby. We put up an alphabet card border
and found a nifty ABC rug as well.
Transforming a Guest Room Into Baby Dennie's Room
Tara cleared out here sewing & project room out and
the transformation into a baby's room began.
We painted the walls (khaki with white trim), cleaned the carpets,
painted a changing table (the one Tara & Jason used as babies), put
together a crib and other new pieces of furniture.
MONDAY, APR 18 2005
The Big Ultrasound at Week 20
Yes, Tara has reached week 20 which meant a visit to
Radiology Consultants for an ultrasound.
Tara's folks went with us as we got a good report and some neat pictures
of Baby Dennie. With the results of the
ultrasound, they have pushed the due date up by a few days to September
1st. We also made a quick visit to Dr.
Phillips office for a checkup and he said things were looking good.
FRIDAY, APR 1 2005
Traveling in the Dakotas & Nebraska
Yes, Tara is making sure she gets her calcium even while
we are traveling in the Dakotas and Nebraska.
We left Little Rock on Sunday, March 27th and have been traveling
throughout South Dakota, Nebraska and North Dakota. No problems traveling this week although Tara
has said she thinks she has felt the baby kicking every once in awhile. We return back to Little Rock on Monday, April 4th.
MONDAY, MAR 21 2005
Third Checkup with Dr. Phillips
It was another brief visit and a check of the heartbeat.
The baby's heartbeat was 143 beats a minute. The doctor again said everything
looked great. This is Tara's 16th week of pregnancy. He said Tara was
progressing as expected. He said our next visit will include a visit to
radiology for the big ultrasound which will be on April 18th.
SUNDAY, MAR 6 2005
Baby Dennie's First Gift
Baby Dennie received a gift from Aunt Dana, Uncle Brad
and cousins Jenna & Lilly. It included a decorative bowl, booties, and a
yellow duck.
Announcing Baby Dennie to Family & Friends
We thought we might wait and share our big news with
family and friends after returning from our spring break trip to the Dakotas at
the end of March but it was becoming more difficult to keep the secret. We decided we would share our news with our
parents by creating a "travel brochure." We thought we would say we
had an upcoming trip that we didn't know where it would take us.
We met my folks and Dana, Brad & Lilly for dinner at
Grandpa's Catfish. I handed the brochure
to my mom. She started studying it but
didn't catch on so I finally told them Tara was having a baby! Of course, they were excited and maybe a bit
shocked. Next, we stopped by Tara's
parents and gave them the brochure.
Again, we had to help them decipher the brochure. We stopped by Tara's grandparents and then
made a few phone calls and visits with friends.
MONDAY, FEB 21 2005
Quick Checkup And a Listen to the Baby's Heartbeat
We returned to the doctor for a quick check up. This is
Tara's 12th week of pregnancy. After
checking to make sure Tara has been feeling okay, Dr. Phillips checks the
baby's heartbeat. Again, he said everything was in good shape and said he would
see us again in a few weeks.
MONDAY, JAN 24 2005
Ultrasound Confirms Pregnancy
We've anxiously been waiting to visit Tara's doctor. The day has arrived and we find our way to
the Central Arkansas Clinic for Women.
Tara has chosen Dr. C E Phillips to deliver the baby. After performing a quick ultrasound, he said
Tara was definitely pregnant. He said
everything looked to be in good shape and he would see us back in a few weeks.
TUESDAY, DEC 28 2004
Tara Shares the News with Me
I returned to work today after being off a few days for the Christmas holidays. When I got home in the afternoon, Tara said
she had one more present for me to open.
I found a baby bib and quickly determined we were going to have a baby! She called the doctor and he said to come in
a few weeks to confirm the pregnancy test.
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