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With an unusual mid-week game, tailgating activities were moved closer to War Memorial Stadium. Debbie Dillon served up chicken strips along with all the fixings and folks enjoyed the pre-game activities.
Not a lot of highlights were found in this game. The game was pretty uneventful for the first 57 minutes. In fact, the ESPN commentators called it one of the worst offensive games they had seen. It all changed with about 3 minutes to go in the game when the Razorback drove the ball in for the winning touchdown with 18 seconds left on the clock.
STARS Arkansas LB Caleb Miller (12 tackles, 1 forced fumble, 1 interception). UNLV TB Joe Haro (24 rushes, 131 yards).TURNING POINT UNLV Punter Ryan McDonald bobbled a snap with 1:53 to play to set up Arkansas' winning drive.KEY STAT Arkansas five first downsOVERHEARD "I've never been so proud of a defense." -- Arkansas Coach Houston NuttUP NEXT Tennessee, 8 p.m. Sept. 8, Fayetteville
from Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
RECORDS Arkansas 1-0. UNLV 0-1.
-- Scott Cain
Instructions from the Head Tailgater
Tue 8/28/2001 10:34 PM via e-mail
To verify the plan for Thursday:
Due to outside interference, we are changing locations....again. I don't know how this will work. We will meet at our parking lot. It is the one that surrounds the Health Dept. on the corner of Markham and Monroe, across from the War Memorial parking lot and the Osborne tent (I think).
Since we have never used this parking pass, we aren't sure how early to go and where to go. After scouting it out, we will try to park on the front side of the Health Dept. There is a line of several boxes in front for different publications. There is a grassy open area near there next to the building. This afternoon there was shaded areas from surrounding trees. We will be there between 3:30 and 4:00. If you have committed to bring some food, have it to our house by Thursday noon. I will plan to brings drinks for everyone. That way no one has to carry anything from their parking location.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR DRINK OF CHOICE. If you want us to take your chair for you, you'll have to get it to use by Thursday noon also. We'll try to pack everything in the car. Don't forget to wear your RED!
Oh, who has the CD or tape with the game-day music? We might want that. Please let me know anything I am forgetting. OH, BE SURE TO HAVE MY CELL NUMBER IN CASE YOU GET LOST....804-9756. I'll have my phone on. If you will be arriving late, let me know. I'll wait around until about 6:00 or 6:15 so everyone can eat.
I know the Hogues and Brocks won't be there. Let me know so I won't wait on you. As you would probably guess, Tom won't be waiting.....and neither will Todd.
The last step in our plan....beat UNLV!
Your fellow Hog fan,