October 15, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

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I'm not too sure if I can title this blog as part of the month of camping, but I guess since Robby is gone, then I can call it that. I'm headed there soon, but we have one more day of school to finish since next week is going to be hit or miss.

We started the morning with school work which seemed to last a long while, but I had fairly long breaks where I walked around not knowing exactly what to do. I always think that if I start a project or something from my list, then I would probably be interrupted so instead of trying to be productive, I would just walk around looking at what all needed to be done.

Eventually, all of the school work did get finished. Keaton and Campbell had to do two days of work today because they will be gone tomorrow. That creates lots of extra grading work for me, but we muddled through it all. 

Graham went to work this afternoon while Keaton, Campbell, and I went to Target. The girls absolutely panicked when we spent over 50 dollars at Target. We bought a blanket for one of Campbell's parties, and 2 birthday presents-I thought we had done good, but they were beside themselves. Campbell and Keaton both had a birthday gift to buy, and those girls can shop. On the way, they discussed making a box of goodies for their friends, but then it was decided that might be too expensive and over their budget. However, they made it work, and both ended up with cute gifts for their friends and under budget. They knew exactly how much every single thing cost.

We then ran to the library before we met up with the boys at church. Church is always fun on Wednesday nights-I help with the kids, but I mainly just chat which I certainly enjoy. The girls went with Anderson while Graham, Whitman, and I came home. 

After we ate and Keaton came home, I read a little bit with Whitman and Keaton. Now, I'm going to send these people to bed-it will be an early morning and a busy day!

October 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Last night, I ended the blog fairly early-I did have my hot chocolate and was even surprised at how much time I had left in the evening. However, at about 9:50 these children asked me to play a game. First, I said it was too late, but I eventually caved so we played Billionaire until after 11. 
  • People were still up fairly early this morning-I did have to wake up Graham so he could head to school, but Whitman was already up, and I had to yell at Anderson to wake up very little. I'm working on trying my best right now to get through all of my library books that I read to Keaton and Whitman before Christmas so I'm concentrating on them. (And I know it is a while until Christmas, but that is how many I have in my pile.)
  • We did the school thing this morning, but gracious, I'm not sure again what happened to Whitman. I thought he was on track, but I was finishing spelling at 5 this afternoon. We did leave for a good bit in the afternoon to get our flu shots. Since Reagan is a school, there was one less, but I know there are still a lot of us traipsing through Kroger. Robby did buy candy for the ride home, so no one complained too much about their shots.
  • When we made it home, the kids all played football for a little bit. That is another reason that Whitman was finishing school so late-his mother is a softee. I figure it is better to play outside with your brothers and sisters than to do a page a math. We still got the math done, it was just later.
  • Robby and I took Campbell to soccer tonight and ran some errands while she was there. Graham came in from running and made chicken pasta for supper for everyone (frozen meal). 
  • Tonight when we came home from soccer, Graham then made brownies so he was quite the chef today. Right now is it the calm before the storm-the house is super quiet, but I'm about to tell everyone that it is bedtime, and things will get crazy.

October 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • School went incredibly well again today. Graham is getting ready for his college algebra midterm later this week-so start sending up the prayers now! We are going to do some major reviewing over the next two days as well, but we will be crossing our fingers for a B on that test.
  • I was working fairly late again today. I'm not really sure what Whitman did for a good bit of the morning. He did have one chapter of a book to read that was very long, but I lost track of him for way too long. Thankfully though, he already finished his math so he had not a ton of school.
  • Graham had work this afternoon, and Anderson had a full afternoon since it was senior skip day at a local school-there were lots of people online playing games. He had so much fun that he didn't even finish his school work! Oh, well there is always tomorrow.
  • I took Keaton and Whitman to the trampoline park for a little bit. They enjoyed jumping, but I believe that Whitman got on Keaton's nerves so she was ready to go. I was trying desperately to finish my book-I had two pages left, so on the way home, I even asked Whitman to read it to me. He didn't get very far in his reading though, but I did finish at home.
  • I ran some errands with Robby this evening while Graham went to his Bible study. He drove there-he hasn't driven a ton of different places, but he made it home safe and sound. When we came home, we all had some leftovers for supper, and now hot chocolate is next on my agenda.

October 13, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

After I quickly got ready this morning, I woke up Graham so he could get his shower. Then I had Whitman get out of bed and finally Keaton. None of this took too long, and Graham urged me a few times on the drive to church to slow down.

He wanted to go to Sunday school, but he said that he didn't have to go to big church. However, it was a good thing that he was there, because he and Anderson had to pass the offering plate, and the three boys had to move chairs on the stage during the service. Anderson said that someone asked if they could help, and they said yes. Then they said that they would need to move the chairs during the service. I was able to get a screen shot of Anderson doing his chair moving.

Anderson brought everyone home from church. Meanwhile, I had been at home working on unloading the minivan and working on all of the laundry in this house. I even had a pile of things to reload in the camper, plus I had some lunch ready for the church goers.

The kids were all home for a bit, and then they left again for Raymar. The youth all met out there and hung out for a few hours playing football and volleyball. Robby came home around that time from Degray. I helped unload a few more things and clean the camper some more before we left again.

Robby and I ran an errand to Sams, and then we stopped by Grannymom's house for a few minutes. We came home, and almost immediately all of the kids left again for life groups tonight. Anderson delivered Keaton and Whitman to the house that their group was at, and then he, Campbell, and Graham went to their house. 

They all had fun at their groups, and came home as the Wilsons and we were eating our supper. We had leftovers along with ice cream for supper. I had thought about having hot chocolate tonight, but I guess it will be cooler the next few nights!

October 12, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

We had to wake up a little bit early this morning so we could get breakfast made. Robby cooked quite a bit of bacon plus egg in the holes and chocolate chip pancakes. It was all delicious, and the kids certainly enjoyed it. We don't cook a lot of camping breakfasts, but it is one of our favorite things. 

One thing that is not my favorite thing is allergies. My eyes have itched most of the day today. They will bother me for a few days and then quit despite taking daily allergy medicine. We actually have some good eye drops in the camper which I had forgotten about until tonight, so maybe they will help me.

Anyway, after breakfast, we didn't have a whole lot of time at the campground because it was time to go to the football game. Robby dropped me off. and I bought tickets. Then we found Shannon and found our seats. We were able to get seats in the shade so that made most of the game pleasant.

Reagan came up and saw us for a little bit which was fun. It was right before half time, and then she left to go back to her dorm. I bet that these kids are so tired! The sun did start moving towards the end of the ball game, so we kept moving up a row at a time until we eventually just moved to the car. Ouachita was pretty far ahead of the other team, so it was fine to leave early.

We then came back to the campground for a little bit. Robby and Graham watched football, and I tried to read, but soon I was napping in my lawn chair. Robby and I eventually did get out and run some errands-mystery shops-around Arkadelphia. They were even having their Festival of the Arts so we walked through that. We are all cultural like that-not really, but it was something to do, and it was surprisingly small.

We came back with pizza for the crew. While they ate, we packed up all of the outside things. It didn't take long, and Whitman even offered to help so we put him to work. Once we were all in the camper, we played the game of Billionaire. It is a fun little game which didn't take too long-Keaton dominated. 

After the game, I made s'mores for everyone. Now they have all had their showers, and Robby and I are about to walk Bentley before we climb into the bed. 

Campbell and Anderson went to Raymar early this morning. Anderson had to work, and Campbell did put in one hour at the concession stand, but she just loves it out there. I'm pretty sure that after Raymar they had a slow day, but I bet that they enjoyed a quiet house. 

October 11, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

This was certainly a fun day. It started this morning with us staying in bed for a good while-Robby worked while I read. Then we took Bentley for a walk around the other loop. We went over a mile, and it was warmer on our walk than it was for the rest of the day. 

We came back and started stirring the kiddos. We really didn't have much time until it was time to leave to see Reagan. We know that we have all been missing Reagan, but we also know that Reagan has been missing Bentley. 

The campus was pretty crazy this afternoon with a band, the marching band, cheerleaders, all kinds of booths plus the cafeteria food was all outside as well. There were people everywhere, but when Reagan got Bentley's attention, that dog has never wagged her tail so much. She was definitely happy to see Reagan, but she was also overwhelmed with all that there was to see.

Keaton, Campbell, and Reagan stayed outside while Reagan finished her lunch, while Robby, Whitman, and I went to the bookstore. I snatched up a sweatshirt on clearance, but we could not find Robby anything at all. I'm not sure who does their buying, but they needed some more men shirts for sure.

We then visited with Reagan a little bit more, before walking her to work. Afterwards, we ran to Sonic for drinks for the crew, and then to Walmart. There Robby did find a shirt, plus we also picked up some garlic powder-we hadn't been able to find it at home. 

Then it was back to the campsite for us. We had some downtime-Robby worked, I read, and the kids put up a hammock. Soon Grannymom, Grandpa, Graham, and Anderson arrived and not too far behind them was Jason, Pops, and Nonna. 

We all had time to visit, and then Robby started on supper. We had our chicken tacos plus quesadillas. I think that everyone enjoyed the meal. I opened some salsa which was delicious so I could have eaten just that on some tortillas. I pulled out all of the stops with my desert too-packaged cookies.

After a bit, it was time to head to Ouachita for our first Tiger Tunes in a few decades. This year was difference since Reagan was in it-she was apart of the Student Life organization. Tiger Tunes is so popular, and I can remember going as a student. Reagan's group were cars, and it was cute. Reagan said that theirs wasn't the best one there, but I can definitely say that it was not the worst one by far. There were some really cute shows which made the evening go by fairly quickly.

When it was over, we were able to find Reagan out front-it was kind of wild out there. We took some pictures with Reagan, and then released her to her friends. Robby and I retrieved the cars and picked up most of the people. Then Anderson and Campbell took Grannymom and Grandpa home. They just pulled into the driveway at 11:53. 

We made it back to the camper before the rest of them made it home. Robby and I took a walk around the loop with Bentley, and we all had some ice cream to celebrate the day. 

October 10, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

Graham left first to go to church for his math class. Usually, his class is at Wildwood on Thursdays, but not today. So his was the first trip to the church house of the day.

Robby was pretty close behind him with Campbell and Keaton for Mother's Day Out. Those two girls never got to go to MDO like the older three, so I guess they are getting their turn now-and they are loving it. They are earning just pennies an hour for their summer camps (so really they are getting nothing in return since they aren't getting anything), but they so enjoy it and would do it for free. That was the second trip to the church today.

I did school with the boys. Today I had a bit more time since the girls were gone, but it still wasn't really enough to matter. I really had envisioned me having a super slow day on Thursdays with them gone, but that hasn't happened just yet. 

Soon Robby and Whitman were heading to Lake Degray. They zoomed down here and set up camp. Whitman had to finish his school work quickly and leaving to go camping was a super motivator for him-so I guess we need more camping trips.

I then made trip 3 to the church house to pick up Campbell and Keaton. Then it was back home for a little bit. Anderson left to go to Raymar to work practice tonight. I made grilled cheese for everyone's supper that was at home-the number was dwindling.

Then Campbell, Keaton, and I left. I dropped Keaton off at the church house (trip 4). She was keeping kids tonight. Campbell would have loved to have helped as well, but she had soccer practice so I then drove her to the field. We were a bit early, but she didn't seem to mind.

When she did get out of the car, I did as well and walked around the fields twice-it was over a mile. Then I went back to the church (trip 5) to pick up Keaton. I was about an hour early-I knew that, but figured that I might be able to read better in the church parking lot-I could since the lights really light that place up. I did have to position my car just right so the light would shine through the windows and onto my pages.

Keaton was a little late so we had to hurry to pick up Campbell. We were there in time to go to the bathroom. Then Campbell joined us for our drive to Arkadelphia. Campbell sat in the way back with Keaton sitting in the middle. That just left me up front by myself which was fine since I just listened to my book and had a good time. 

Robby was waiting on us when we arrived, and now the girls are sitting outside with Whitman already bedded down in the camper.