October 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • School went incredibly well again today. Graham is getting ready for his college algebra midterm later this week-so start sending up the prayers now! We are going to do some major reviewing over the next two days as well, but we will be crossing our fingers for a B on that test.
  • I was working fairly late again today. I'm not really sure what Whitman did for a good bit of the morning. He did have one chapter of a book to read that was very long, but I lost track of him for way too long. Thankfully though, he already finished his math so he had not a ton of school.
  • Graham had work this afternoon, and Anderson had a full afternoon since it was senior skip day at a local school-there were lots of people online playing games. He had so much fun that he didn't even finish his school work! Oh, well there is always tomorrow.
  • I took Keaton and Whitman to the trampoline park for a little bit. They enjoyed jumping, but I believe that Whitman got on Keaton's nerves so she was ready to go. I was trying desperately to finish my book-I had two pages left, so on the way home, I even asked Whitman to read it to me. He didn't get very far in his reading though, but I did finish at home.
  • I ran some errands with Robby this evening while Graham went to his Bible study. He drove there-he hasn't driven a ton of different places, but he made it home safe and sound. When we came home, we all had some leftovers for supper, and now hot chocolate is next on my agenda.

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