June 27, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I woke up confused about what time the kids had to leave and made it halfway up the stairs before I realized I was wrong about the time. I was about to wake the kids up shouting that they only had 10 minutes until they needed to go, but thankfully, I realized what the time was-they actually had about 40 minutes until they needed to leave.
  • Today was Serve day for Keaton, Campbell, Graham, Anderson, and Reagan. They went to a few different houses to do yard work. Reagan said that she had to take control of her yard crew and give them some instructions. 
  • They all met back up at Raymar to eat lunch, and then they went to church to do a few things around here. They all had fun and must have worked hard-because everyone but Reagan came home and took a nap. Reagan dropped off her brothers and sisters and then went to Sonic to meet some friends.
  • Robby went to see Grandpa for a little bit this evening which is when I found Whitman and we did spelling together. I'm sure he gets a bit tired of us working on spelling constantly, but just looking at his notes that he took from Impact, I can see that he is getting a bit more confident in his writing and spelling.
  • Reagan came home, and then Robby and I left with the Suburban-Robby dropped me off at Walmart while he got gas, picked up a Sams order, and then ran into Sams. He met me in Walmart, and we finished up a few things on my list. 
  • We picked up supper on the way home, and everyone ate. Keaton and Campbell are working on their packing for beach camp-the kitchen table is full of things for their trip, and the mudroom is full of things for our trip. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day around here.

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